Let your players discover a colorful world, with different atmospheres each with its own identity, ambiance, its own dangers...
The dimension “Alpha Aven” is currently undergoing a period of intense instability and gravitational anomalies. Worse still, this chaos threatens to spread throughout Incarna's entire interdimensional network.The explorers are needed to brave to venture into the unknown and find the source of the danger
Game produced and developed by Incarna Studios
3 → 4 Players
Adventures Escape Game
Dreamlike universe
French, English
Box (9m²)
45 to 55 minutes
Minimum configuration
Unobstructed space
4 - 9m² (per player)
Empty, without obstacles
1 launcher PC
VR Ready
i7, 3060, 16Go RAM, 500Go stock
1 server PC
VR Ready
i7, 3060, 16Go RAM, SSD 500Go stock
1 VR headset per player
Meta Quest (1, 2, 3), HTC Vive (Pro 1, 2 & Vive Focus 3), Valve Index
Main PCVR headsets
1 VR PC per player
1 VR Ready per player
i7, 3070, 16 Go RAM, 500 Go stock
1 network kit
Internet connection
Fiber recommended
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